The Refugee Scholarship
This scholarship will enable one refugee filmmaker a year to attend the Nostos Script lab at no cost.
The United Nations (UN) estimates that more than 82 million people are currently living as refugees or asylum-seekers, or have been internally displaced due to wars and natural calamity – the largest such population in human history. A significant number of these individuals have had their careers interrupted, severely impacting their potential for future success. The Scholarship supports displaced filmmakers/screenwriters from anywhere in the world. The scholarship aims to recognize refugees as vital contributors to global innovation and prosperity.
Displaced people should be given the opportunity and encouragement to voice their experiences in film. There are plenty of films about refugees done by foreigners. What we wish to do is to empower people from these regions to tell their own stories.
With its power in influencing and shaping people's minds, the film industry could help dispel negative stereotypes as well as show the positive influence that refugees have in their communities, socially as well as economically.
It is up to citizens - not only organisations - to be more conscious and respond to refugee crises in everyday life. The stories that we see on the screen, whether it's in the cinema or in our living rooms in front of our laptops or TVs, can increase tolerance and acceptance among people all over the world.
How to apply
Send an email to nora@nostosscreenwritingretreats.com with the following documents:
a 500 word synopsis of the script you would like to work on while at Nostos
a 500 word motivation letter
a first or a more advanced draft of a screenplay you would like to develop at Nostos
100% of retreat fees will be covered, barring travel to and from the retreat location.